Ciplex One Unbeatable Way to Find a Great Search Engine Optimization Target

Ciplex One Unbeatable Way to Find a Great Search Engine Optimization Target

We’ve already written in the past about how there aren’t very many shortcuts when it comes to the search engine optimization process, so we’ll save you the written lecture on that point today. Instead, we’d like to focus on one of the few things that you can do very quickly that makes a huge difference over the long run – turning a frequently asked question into an article or blog post.

There are two reasons this works so well, and the first one has to do with the nature of search engines and competition. Since most marketers tend to focus on the high traffic, high competition keywords and phrases that are most common in their industry, the more specific “long tail” search terms are usually easier to improve your position with… and faster. Combine that with the fact that many searchers with that particular question will type the whole phrase into Google, Yahoo, or Bing, and you’ve got the formula for some quick traffic to your site.

The second reason this tactic is so effective has to do with the searchers themselves. If they are typing a question into the search engine query, what do you think they’re hoping to find? That’s right, the answer. Post one that’s clear and easy-to-understand on your site, and you’ll have won the searcher’s attention for a minute or two – attention that could be turned into a buying decision through a well-crafted landing page.

Take a few minutes to write down the questions prospective customers usually put to you. Then, try writing out clear answers to each of them, ending with the option of solving the reader’s problem by doing business with you. In just a few weeks, you may find a steady trickle of new visitors to your site turning into a profitable stream.

About ciplexdotcom

I work for Ciplex
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