Why Search Engines Love Blogs… And Three Things It Means for Your Online Business


Any two good books on search engine optimization, or meetings with a pair of competent SEO partners, are likely to come up with at least one common recommendation: start a blog for your company. Most online marketers have heard this advice enough to take it as a given… but why does it work so well?

The answer to that question takes us to the heart of the way search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing “think” and “see.” When they send automated spiders to scan your page, what they are really picking up on is content – usually text. And what they love to find, more than anything else, is lots of it being added consistently.

Since that’s essentially what blogs are – steady streams of fresh, topical text – search engines rank them highly. Here are three lessons any business wanting to work their way to the top of the search engine rankings should draw from that:

Start a blog. Simple as it sounds, adding a blog to your site – and regularly posting content – is a great way to improve your search engine visibility… so start one if you haven’t already.

Add content elsewhere, too. While your whole site doesn’t have to be a blog, there’s no reason you can’t treat parts of it the same way. Add new articles, ideas, or even product pages regularly. It won’t just show search engine spiders that you are always coming up with fresh content, but will keep you thinking about ways to improve and enhance your site at the same time.

Break big things into small topics. One thing that search engines, not to mention actual human searchers, love about blog posts is that they’re usually short and topical. In other words, they make it easy for people to find exactly what they’re looking for. Take that example and apply it to the rest of your site; the easier it is for visitors to end up on a useful page, the more likely they are to stay – and buy.

About ciplexdotcom

I work for Ciplex
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